Eliana Vicari completed her Ph.D. in Humanities and Literature at Paris Ouest Nanterre Université (France), in 2013. Her dissertation – C’est en traduisant qu’on devient traduiseron – focused on translation studies. Previously, she completed her M.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the Ca’Foscari Universita of Venice, in 1986. Vicari taught translation studies and practice at the Ca’Foscari Universita, in other graduate courses for Master’s programs in Italy, and at the Collège International des Traducteurs Littéraires of Arles, France. She edited various books and translated over twenty works of fiction (by J. Roubaud, O. Salon, G. Perec, E. Carrère, G. Simenon, A. Desarthe, M. Condé, and others) and nonfiction from French into Italian for numerous publishers, including Adelphi, Einaudi, Feltrinelli. She published several essays and wrote linguistic annotations, forewords and afterwords. Vicari’s main research interests comprise translation, Oulipo and francophone literature. A member of the Oplépo – an Italian counterpart to the Oulipo and Outranspo – she was a honored guest of the Oulipo in May 2014, and composed several constrained based texts.